OECD releases eight IATA case studies
Posted on 2020-10-12The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) supports the development of integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA). IATA provide a means by which all relevant and reliable information about a chemical is used to answer a defined hazard characterization question. Information considered can include toxicity data, exposure routes, use cases, and production volumes.
The OECD IATA Case Studies Project allows countries to share and explore the use of novel methodologies in IATA for chemical hazard characterization within a regulatory context. Eight new case studies illustrate the use of NAMs for predicting systemic toxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and neurotoxicity from chemicals such as caffeine, p-alkylphenols, and carboxylic acids. Information about the Case Studies Project and links to the new case studies are available at http://www.oecd.org/chemicalsafety/risk-assessment/iata-integrated-approaches-to-testing-and-assessment.htm.