White paper on the future chemical policy in the European Union - Implications for animal welfare

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Ursula G. Sauer
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In February 2001, the European Commission adopted a White Paper on a Future Chemicals Policy. Its main goals are better to protect humans and the environment from unknown risks through chemicals. The "promotion of non-animal testing" is one of the key elements of the proposed strategy. For low production volume chemicals, only data from in vitro tests are to be requested. The data requirements for higher production volume chemicals shall be designed flexibly so that only data relevant for the respective chemical are collected. From the point of view of animal welfare concrete risk management strategies should be defined before test batteries are put together. The test catalogues currently listed in the Classification Directive 67/548/EEC are to be replaced by tiered testing strategies, and concrete waiving strategies are to be designed so that the requested tailor-made testing can actually be realized. Another essential prerequisite for the promotion of non-animal testing is that the funding of alternative method research is formulated as a key action with a concrete budget in the Sixth Research Framework Program of the European Union.

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How to Cite
Sauer, U. G. (2001) “White paper on the future chemical policy in the European Union - Implications for animal welfare”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 18(4), pp. 281–284. Available at: https://altex.org/index.php/altex/article/view/1125 (Accessed: 11 December 2024).

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