Comparative study of rabbit pyrogen test and human whole blood assay on human serum albumin

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Ingo Spreitzer , Matthias Fischer, Katja Hartzsch, Ursel Lüderitz-Püchel, Thomas Montag
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A comparative study of rabbit pyrogen test and human whole blood assay was performed on released preparations of human serum albumin. In addition, the samples were spiked with 5 IU/ml (in whole blood 0.5 IU/ml too) and 10 IU endotoxin/ml. The unspiked samples were negative in both assays.
The human whole blood test resulted in the same level of security for the products as the rabbit pyrogen test did. Both, the borderline 5 IU/kg and the 10 IU/kg-Spike partially lead to results of the rabbit test which would cause further testing with additional animals. In contrast, the human whole blood assay resulted in a 100% detection for the 5 IU/ml and 10 IU/ml-Spike. We designed a study protocol for a minimised number of test animals and were able to show the general usefulness of the human whole blood assay.

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How to Cite
Spreitzer, I. (2002) “Comparative study of rabbit pyrogen test and human whole blood assay on human serum albumin”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 19(Supp. 1), pp. 73–75. Available at: (Accessed: 19 February 2025).

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