Standardised in vitro Electrophysiologic Measurements Using Isolated Perfused Porcine Hearts - Assessment of QT Interval Alterations

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Inga Ast, Dagmar Heydeck, Eckhard Mothes, Bruno Christ
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During the last decade there have been many clinical case reports on severe arrhythmias following drug administration. These potentially fatal heart rhythm disturbances are often associated with a QT interval prolongation in the ECG. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, whether isolated hemoperfused porcine hearts from slaughter pigs are suitable to detect a drug effect on the ECG. In the absence of test substances heart rate, QT or QRS interval remained fairly constant during 4 hours of perfusion. In contrast, after application of the positive control sotalol a reproducible, concentration-dependent QT interval prolongation as well as adverse effects such as described in clinical case reports were observed. Lidocaine, which served as a negative control, did not change QT interval duration. As a complex model the isolated hemoperfused porcine heart is a versatile system for monitoring drug effects on heart electrophysiology. Therefore, the model might reduce or even replace certain in vivo dog experiments in heart toxicology and safety pharmacology.

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How to Cite
Ast, I. (2002) “Standardised in vitro Electrophysiologic Measurements Using Isolated Perfused Porcine Hearts - Assessment of QT Interval Alterations”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 19(Supp. 1), p. 87. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).