Proceedings of the 7th World Congress, Rome 2009

Main Article Content

Franz P. Gruber
[show affiliations]


Congress Chairmen´s Preface

Thomas Hartung and Herman Koeter





PL3 Ingrid E. Newkirk: Brueghel̓s two monkeys: passing the final exam in the history of mankind

PL7 Michalel Balls: The principles of humane experimental technique: timeless insights and unheeded warnings

Alan M. Goldberg: The principles of humane experimental technique: is it relevant today?

PL8 Melvin E. Andersen: Calling on science: making alternatives the new “gold” standard



MS3 Animal welfare associations

Stefanie Schindler: Foundation Animalfree Research: 33 years of commitment to alternatives to animal experiments


MS5 3R centers

Carol J. Howard: CAAT: a 3Rs center for the 21st century

Octavio Presgrave, Chantra Eskes, Rosaura Presgrave, Eloisa Alves, João Carlos Freitas, Cristiane Caldeira, Izabela Gimenes, Ronald Silva, Saulo Nogueira, Jadir Nunes, Ekaterina Rivera, Vanessa, Sá-Rocha, Sandra Coecke and Thomas Hartung: A proposal of establishing a brazilian center for validation of alternative methods (BraCVAM)

Mohammad A. Akbarsha, Shiranee Pereira and Franz P. Gruber: A national center for animal alternatives in India: the Mahatma Gandhi-Doerenkamp Center for alternatives to the use of animals in life science education (MGDC)


MS6 Associations

Isabella De Angelis, Simonetta Gemma and Francesca Caloni: CELLTOX: the Italian association for in vitro toxicology


MS8 Industry activities

Carl Westmoreland, Paul Carmichael, Matt Dent, Julia Fentem, Cameron MacKay, Gavin Maxwell, Camilla Pease and Fiona Reynolds: Assuring safety without animal testing: Unilever’s ongoing research programme to deliver novel ways to assure consumer safety

Annamaria A. Bottini and Thomas Hartung: The economics of animal testing


THEME 1: Innovative technologies, concepts and approaches


Breakout Sessions

BS6 Non-vertebrate models

Windy A. Boyd and Jonathan H. Freedman: Medium and high-throughput toxicity screens using C. elegans


BS10 Current and evolving concepts for the validation of safety assessment methods

William S. Stokes and Marilyn Wind: Validation of innovative technologies and strategies for regulatory safety assessment methods: challenges and opportunities

Marilyn Wind and William S. Stokes: Developing performance standards to expedite validation of innovative and improved test methods


Extra Breakout Sessions

EB1 Status report on Predict-IV

Frédéric Y. Bois, Dany Habka and Céline Brochot: An integrated modelling approach for in vitro to in vivo extrapolations


EB3 Status report on CAESAR

Anna Lombardo, Rodolfo Gonella Diaza, Alessandra Roncaglioni and Emilio Benfenati: CAESAR’s approach for alternative in silico methods for REACH

Giuseppina Gini, Thomas Ferrari, Alessandra Roncaglioni: The in silico model for mutagenicity

Mark T. D. Cronin, Steven J. Enoch, Mark Hewitt and Judith C. Madden: Formation of mechanistic categories and local models to facilitate the prediction of toxicity


Lunch Sessions

SL1 Databases: progress report

Daniel Butzke, Antje Doerendahl, Susanne Skolik, Andreas Luch and Barbara Grune: The AnimALT-ZEBET Database: A unique resource for comprehensive and value-added information on 3R alternatives

Martin Stephens and Sherry L. Ward: Connecting stakeholders on issues concerning non-animal methods of toxicity testing


SL2 Good Cell Culture Practices

Gerhard Gstraunthaler: The Bologna Statement on Good Cell Culture Practice (GCCP) – 10 years later


THEME 2: Areas of animal use


Breakout Sessions

BS11 Basic research

Randall J. Nelson: Viable alternatives: choosing the proper experimental model for neuroscience studies

Mathieu Vinken, Elke Decrock, Luc Leybaert, Tamara Vanhaecke and Vera Rogiers: Proteolytic cleavage of adherens junction components during Fas-dependent cell death in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes


BS12 Chemicals and pesticides

Bennard van Ravenzwaay: Initiatives to decrease redundancy in animal testing of pesticides


BS13 Cosmetics

Gavin Maxwell, Pierre Aeby, Takao Ashikaga, Sandrine Bessou-Touya, Walter Diembeck, Frank Gerberick, Petra Kern, Monique Marrec-Fairley, Jean-Marc Ovigne, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, Klaus Schroeder, Magali Tailhardat, Silvia Teissier and Petra Winkler: Skin Sensitisation: the Colipa strategy for developing and evaluating non-animal test methods for risk assessment


BS19 Education and training

Jan van der Valk, Marilyn Brown, Clément Gauthier, Brian Howard, Tsutomu Miki Kurosawa, Margaret Rose and Bert van Zutphen: Education and training in the 3Rs

Bryan Howard and Patri Vergara: FELASA category C courses


BS20 Animal use policies

Joerg Luy: Animal experiments – the principle of proportionality as key principle of ethical evaluation

Maggy Jennings: Special protection for primates – the need for faster progress

Gilly Griffin, Nicole Fenwick, Elisabeth Ormandy and Clément Gauthier: Applying information gained from animal impact categorization systems – case study of Canada’s categories of invasiveness

David J. Mellor, Tamara J. Diesch and Craig B. Johnson: Should mammalian fetuses be excluded from regulations protecting animals during experiments?

Virginia M. Williams and Linda A. Carsons: Reviewing the reviews: an analysis of the process of ensuring regulatory compliance in the use of animals in science in New Zealand


Extra Breakout Sessions

EB4 Status report on ICATM

Marilyn Wind, David Blakey, Hajime Kojima, Joachim Kreysa and William Stokes: The International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM)

William S. Stokes and Marilyn Wind: NICEATM and ICCVAM participation in the international cooperation on alternative test methods


Lunch Sessions

SL4 William Stokes and Marilyn Wind: Recent progress and future directions in the validation and regulatory acceptance of alternative test methods that reduce, refine and replace animal use


THEME 3: Progress in life science domains


Breakout Sessions

BS21 Skin and eye toxicity

Natsch, Andreas: Mechanistic assays for the in vitro prediction of skin sensitization: Integrating biological and chemical measurements in a holistic approach

Marleen Pauwels and Vera Rogiers: In Vitro dermal toxicity testing of cosmetic ingredients: an iterative approach to complete regulatory acceptance


BS22 Skin and eye toxicity 2

Valérie Zuang, João Barroso, Thomas Cole, Mara Ceridono and Chantra Eskes: ECVAM Bottom-Up/Top-Down Testing approach: testing strategy to reduce/replace the Draize eye test and validation/regulatory acceptance of in vitro assays: current status

Yulia Kaluzhny, Helena Kandarova, Patrick Hayden, Joseph Kubilus, Laurence d’Argembeau-Thornton and Mitchell Klausner: ECVAM drives expanded EpiOcular applicability domain for EU legislation: successful international pre-validation.

Stuart J Freeman, Nathalie Alépée, João Barroso, Thomas Cole, Anna Compagnoni, Carina de Jong-Rubingh,Chantra Eskes, Jan Lammers, Pauline McNamee, Uwe Pfannenbecker and Valérie Zuang: Prospective validation study of reconstructed human tissue models for eye irritation testing


BS24 Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity

Philippe Vanparys, Raffaella Corvi, Leonard Schechtman, Marilyn Aardema, Makoto Hayashi and Sebastian Hoffman: ECVAM validation of three cell transformation assays


BS26 Disease models

Karl A. Andrutis: Refining clinical care in animal disease models


BS27 Environmental science

Mark T. D. Cronin: Use of mode and mechanism of action information to support in silico prediction of ecotoxicity


BS28 Animal welfare science

David J. Mellor, Tamara J. Diesch and Craig B. Johnson: When do mammalian young become sentient?

Margaret Rose: International perspectives on animal welfare: initiatives to harmonise approaches when animals used for scientific purposes.

Derek Fry, Rose Gaines Das, Richard Preziosi and Michelle Hudson: Planning for refinement and reduction


BS29 Immunology

Stefan F. Martin and P. R. Esser: Innate immune mechanisms in contact dermatitis and the resulting T cell responses


BS30 Neuroscience

Lucio G. Costa, Gennaro Giordano and Marina Guizzetti: In vitro models to study cell-cell interactions that influence developmental neurotoxicity


Extra Breakout Sessions

EB7 Status report on OSIRIS

Romualdo Benigni, Cecilia Bossa, Alessandro Giuliani, and Olga Tcheremenskaia: In vitro/in vivo relationship in the light of Toxcast Phase


EB10 Status report on Sens-it-iv

Stefan F. Martin, Andrea Cavani, Enrico Maggi, Hermann-Josef Thierse, Anne Richter and Federica Sallusto: T-cell priming and amplification: exploiting key events in contact sensitization


Satellite Meeting

A satellite symposium to the 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, organized under auspices of CELLTOX (Associazione Italiana di Tossicologia in vitro) and ESTIV (European Society of Toxicology in Vitro)


Francesca Caloni, Isabella De Angelis and Jan van der Valk: From tissue engineering to alternatives: research, discovery and development

Abdoelwaheb El Ghalbzouri and Suzan Commandeur: In vitro disease models: human skin equivalents for research purposes

Giovanna Mazzoleni and Nathalie Steimberg: 3D culture in microgravity: a realistic alternative to experimental animal use

Dong-Hyuk Park, Alison E. Willing, Svitlana Garbuzova-Davis, Jun Tan, Cesario V. Borlongan, Nicole Kuzmin-Nichols, L. Eduardo Cruz and Paul R. Sanberg: The emerging field of human umbilical cord blood cell transplantation


Authors Register


Article Details

How to Cite
Gruber, F. P. (2010) “Proceedings of the 7th World Congress, Rome 2009”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 27(Spec. Issue 1), pp. 1–335. Available at: (Accessed: 15 February 2025).