A human iPSC-based in vitro neural network formation assay to investigate neurodevelopmental toxicity of pesticides
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Proper brain development is based on the orchestration of key neurodevelopmental processes (KNDP), including the formation and function of neural networks. If at least one KNDP is affected by a chemical, an adverse outcome is expected. To enable a higher testing throughput than the guideline animal experiments, a developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) in vitro testing battery (DNT IVB) comprising a variety of assays that model several KNDPs was set up. Gap analysis revealed the need for a human-based assay to assess neural network formation and function (NNF). Therefore, we established the human NNF (hNNF) assay. A co-culture comprised of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived excitatory and inhibitory neurons as well as primary human astroglia was differentiated for 35 days on microelectrode arrays (MEA), and spontaneous electrical activity, together with cytotoxicity, was assessed on a weekly basis after washout of the compounds 24 h prior to measurements. In addition to the characterization of the test system, the assay was challenged with 28 compounds, mainly pesticides, identifying their DNT potential by evaluating specific spike-, burst-, and network parameters. This approach confirmed the suitability of the assay for screening environmental chemicals. Comparison of benchmark concentrations (BMC) with an NNF in vitro assay (rNNF) based on primary rat cortical cells revealed differences in sensitivity. Together with the successful implementation of hNNF data into a postulated stressor-specific adverse outcome pathway (AOP) network associated with a plausible molecular initiating event for deltamethrin, this study suggests the hNNF assay as a useful complement to the DNT IVB.
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