The last page of this last issue of ALTEX for 2019 displays the number 700. ALTEX has almost doubled the number of pages printed per year since I started out as editor in 2011. This is posÂsible thanks to the fivefold increase of submissions in the same time period, from which it is an enjoyable challenge to select the best for publication. Scientists are increasingly comfortable with publishing in and identifying with a journal that carries the name Alternatives to Animal Experimentation. This exemplifies the changing perception of the entire 3Rs field, firmly based on the excellent and innovative scientific work that is being carried out in it. Putting together 700 pages in a year is a big job for a small team, and I am deeply grateful for the enthusiastic coopÂeration and meticulous work of my colleagues that goes into this publication.
Considering the increasing number of new alternative or nonÂanimal methods (NAMs), it is now timely to think about how we can best employ them to make decisions on the safety or activity of different classes of substances to minimize the use of animals without compromising on human health and safety. We do not want to use these methods only to prioritize which chemicals are tested first in animal tests and which sometime later. But when do we have enough information to declare that a substance is harmÂless or decide that it should be dropped from further development owing to possible toxicity? Melvin Andersen and colleagues proÂvide some Food for thought … on these questions.
Without speech communication, we can often not judge whethÂer a fellow human is experiencing pain or feeling unwell, but we do know that individuals deal differently with a painful or disÂtressing experience. Kris Descovich et al. assess the behavior and facial expressions of macaques undergoing biomedical proÂcedures to identify strong indicators of pain or of wellness that show when best to employ analgesics or can be used to refine proÂcedures. In a second refinement article, Jie Mei et al. report that there are different definitions of humane endpoints, i.e. changes in body weight, temperature or sickness scores that trigger euthaÂnasia of the experimental animal to limit its suffering, in the literÂature. They then use a machine learning approach to optimize the early prediction of a high risk of death for use in different mouse models.
Volatile chemicals may cause sensory irritation. Aiming to reÂplace the mouse sensory irritation assay, Jeanelle Martinez and Thomas Eling develop an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) that describes the process and argue that measuring activation of the TRPA1 receptor in vitro can predict a chemical’s irritation potency.
We need to know how a new drug works but also how often and how much of it to give a patient to achieve the desired effects without causing toxicity. James Chan et al. develop a simulation model to predict this based on in vitro and metabolism data for three different statins and compare the results with biokinetic data obtained from humans to show that such predictions can be made without animal testing.
Thao Tran et al. employ a planarian model, which can reÂgenerate severed body parts, to determine whether iron oxide nanoparticles, used in large amounts for a variety of applications in industry, interfere with stem cell functions required for regenÂeration or with homeostasis regulation.
Although nonanimal skin sensitization assays have been acÂcepted as OECD test guidelines, none of them are stand-alone-methods and none of them subcategorize skin sensitizers into weak and strong sensitizers. Chantra Eskes and colleagues presÂent a test, based on the coculture of two cell lines, that captures two of the four key events and reliably solves the problem of preÂdicting sensitization subcategory.
Once a test has been established, optimized and characterized in detail, it is worthwhile considering potential secondary apÂplications. Stefania Serra et al. report on the use of a cell modÂel for carcinogenicity testing to compare samples of airborne particulate matter collected from an urban site during different seasons. They show that the method can be used to assess bioÂlogical effects of chemical mixtures, in this case environmental samples. Staying on the subject of air, Joelsson et al. present a novel in vitro method to study the detrimental effects that meÂchanical ventilation can have on the human lung. To achieve this, they have designed a device that allows the application of cyclical pressure to bronchial cells cultured at the air-liquid inÂterphase on flexible membranes and investigate the effects on gene and protein level.
The BenchMarks article in this issue by Alice Krebs and colÂleagues presents a detailed and annotated template designed to assist in reporting non-guideline studies in accordance with OECD GD 211 in a sufficient level of detail to allow regulators to evaluate the data. This can be a valuable contribution towards a higher level of implementation and acceptance of in vitro data for regulatory decision-making.
A short communication on a developmental neurotoxicity test based on the elongation of axons in an insect embryo as well as three Meeting Reports and five Corners complete this issue.
In case you missed the EUSAAT Congress in Linz, the AbÂstract Book is online as an issue of ALTEX Proceedings to docuÂment the topics discussed at the meeting. Please consult our webÂsite for current news and upcoming events.
A big thank you to all authors, reviewers, subscribers, readers, members and sponsors for supporting ALTEX during 2019.
Developing context appropriate toxicity testing approaches using new alternative methods (NAMs)
Activation of TRPA1 by volatile organic chemicals leading to sensory irritation
Bottom-up physiologically-based biokinetic modelling as an alternative to animal testing
Innovative in vitro method to study ventilator induced lung injury
An intact insect embryo for developmental neurotoxicity testing of directed axonal elongation
Organ-on-chip in development: Towards a roadmap for organs-on-chip
Give meaning to alternative methods to animal testing
The 3Rs and replacement methods - better research, less animal harm