ECHA issues report on animal and alternatives use
Posted on 2020-07-22The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has issued its fourth report on the use of alternatives to animals for testing required under the REACH regulation. Data on more than 12,000 substances show that registrants are sharing data, using adaptations to avoid animal testing, and employing alternatives to animal testing. Examples include:
- Registrants used at least one adaptation to avoid animal testing for about 70% of substances. Read-across is the most commonly used adaptation.
- Use of non-animal tests for evaluating potential for skin and eye irritation and skin sensitization has increased greatly since 2016.
- Companies are reducing the numbers of animals used for repeat dose toxicity tests and reproductive screening by using the combined test described in OECD Test Guideline 422.
The report and a summary of the report can be found at under the subheading “Reports on Alternatives to Animal Testing.”