Links with 3Rs relevance
Information resources
3Ranker - search algorithm for 3Rs papers
3 Minute 3Rs - short monthly recap of 3Rs efforts by the NC3Rs, the North American 3Rs Collaborative, and Lab Animal
3R Guide – overview of guidelines, databases, journals, email lists, regulations and policies
3Rs Infohub – learning platform on alternatives to animal testing
3Rs literature search webpage – guidance on searching for alternative methods compiled by USDA AWIC
3Rs Resources - library of 3Rs resources compiled by NC3Rs
3Rs Resources - compiled by North American 3Rs Collaborative
ALTBIB – bibliography on alternatives
AltTox – online discussion and information exchange on non-animal testing methods
Animal-Free Safety Assessment Collaboration
Animal Welfare, Ethics and the 3Rs – training materials
Animalearn - loans alternatives for education
Animatch - an online sharing-platform facilitating the exchange of organs and tissues of laboratory animals used for scientific purposes.
AOP-Wiki - repository ofinformation for AOP development effort
ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals – scientific journal
Bioethics Information Center (in Korean)
DB-ALM – EURL-ECVAM DataBase Service on ALternative Methods to animal experimentation
DC 3Rs - Inventory of 3Rs knowledge sources
EC Regulation on cosmetic products (1223/2009)
EPA Strategic Vision for Adopting New Approach Methodologies for pesticide testing
Ethical guidelines for experiments on animals
ETPLAS - Education and training platform for laboratory animal science
EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (2010/63)
Fetal Calf Serum-Free Database
FLAIRE Learning - Flecknell laboratory animal interactive resources for education
Focus and facts on the 3Rs - Multimedia resources of the Swedish 3Rs Center
Good search practice on animal alternatives
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition
Guiding Principles on Good Practice for Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies
Hastings Center – educational research on ethics of medical research with animals
InterNICHE - International Network for Humane Education
InterNICHE Alternatives Database
InVitro+Jobs – internet platform for animal-free research
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science – scientific journal
NAT Database (Non-Animal Technologies)
NC3Rs Gateway - open access publication of NC3Rs-funded research
NICEATM Resources for Test Method Developers
NORINA - Norwegian Inventory of Alternatives – audiovisual alternatives to the use of animals in teaching
NURA - New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application
OECD Adverse Outcome Pathways resources
Principles of Humane Experimental Technique
RE-Place - Central Database to Collect New Approach Methodologies
Science Bank - free lending library of humane science products in the US
Searching the Literature for Animal Testing Alternatives: A Tutorial
Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy
Toxicology 21: Scientific Applications - course
Toxicology in Vitro – scientific journal
WORC - World Organoid and Organ-on-a-chip Research Community – network for organoid, organ-on-a-chip & NAM researchers
Animal Welfare and 3Rs Organizations
3R Center Tübingen for In vitro Models and Alternatives to Animal Testing (Germany)
3R Knowledge Center (Portugal)
3Rs Center Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
3Rs-Centre ULS (The Netherlands)
3R Rhein Neckar (Germany)
AfR - Animalfree Research (Switzerland)
Altertox Academy (Belgium)
Ärzte gegen Tierversuche (Germany)
Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Tierschutz in der Medizin (Switzerland)
Akademie für Tierschutz (Germany)
Austrian 3R Center (Austria)
BB3R - Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Belgian Platform for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing (Belgium)
Bf3R - Deutsches Zentrum zum Schutz von Versuchstieren (Germany)
CAAT-Europe at the University of Konstanz (Germany)
Charité 3R - Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany)
CMCiB-IGTP - Comparative Medicine and Bioimage Centre of Catalonia (Spain)
Comparative Medicine, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
Crueltyfree International (UK)
Danish 3R-Center (Denmark)
Department of Animals in Science and Society (The Netherlands)
Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation (Switzerland)
Einstein Center 3R (Germany)
Eurogroup for animals (Europe)
European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) (Europe)
ecopa - European consensus-platform for alternatives (Europe)
EPAA - European partnership for alternative approaches to animal testing (Europe)
Erna-Graff-Stiftung für Tierschutz (Germany)
ESTIV - European Society of Toxicology in Vitro (Europe)
EUROoCs - European Organ-on-Chip Society (Europe)
EUSAAT - European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing (Austria)
EU-ToxRisk (Europe)
Fincopa - Finnish Consensus Platform for Alternatives (Finland)
Fondation Egon Naef pour la recherche in vitro (Switzerland)
Forska Utan Djurförsök - The Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments (Sweden)
FRAME - Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (UK)
Iaapea - International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals (UK)
In vitro Toxicology and Biomedicine, Dept inaugurated by the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation (Germany)
IC-3Rs - Innovation Centre - 3R Alternatives (Belgium)
ICAR3R - Interdisciplinary Centre for 3Rs in Animal Research (Germany)
IPAM (Italy)
LDF - Lord Dowding Fund for humane research (UK)
Leibniz Alternatives at IUF - Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine (Germany)
Ligue Suisse contre la vivisection (Switzerland)
LIST - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Luxembourg)
Menschen für Tierechte – Bundesverband für Tierversuchsgegner e.V. (Germany)
MUI animalFree Research Cluster (Austria)
NC3Rs - National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (UK)
NCad - Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (The Netherlands)
Norecopa (Norway)
PETA Science Consortium International (Germany)
R2N - "Replace" and "Reduce" based in Lower Saxony (Germany)
RepRefRed Society (Austria)
RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (UK)
Schweizer Tierschutz (Switzerland)
Slovak National Platform for 3Rs in Research, Development and Education (Slovakia)
Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Switzerland)
Stigting Proefdierfrij (The Netherlands)
Swecopa (Sweden)
Swedish 3Rs Center (Sweden)
Swiss 3RCC - 3R Competence Centre (Switzerland)
TARCforce 3R - Medical University Mainz (Germany)
UFAW The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UK)
Zürcher Tierschutz (Switzerland)
3Rs Collaborative (formerly NA3RsC) (USA and Canada)
AFAAR - American Fund for Alternatives to Animal Research (USA)
ARDF - Alternatives Research and Development Foundation (USA)
ASCCT - American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (USA)
AWIC - USDA Animal Welfare Information Center (USA)
CAAT - Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (USA)
CCAAM - Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods (Canada)
CCAC - Canadian Council on Animal Care (Canada)
Doerenkamp-Zbinden endowed chair in evidence-based toxicology (USA)
EBTOX - Evidence-Based Toxicology (EBT) Collaboration (USA)
HIS - Humane Society International (USA)
HSUS - Humane Society of the United States (USA)
ICCVAM - The Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (USA)
IFER - International Foundation for Ethical Research (USA)
IIVS - Institute for In Vitro Sciences (USA)
NICEATM - NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (USA)
PCRM - Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (USA)
Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways (USA)
Asia and Oceania
ANZCCART- Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (Australia and New Zealand)
Humane Research Australia (Australia)
JaCVAM - Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (Japan)
JSAAE - Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (Japan)
MAWA Trust - Medical Advances Without Animals (Australia)
NCAAE - National Centre for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (India)
SAAE-India - Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (India)
Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Society of Alternatives to Animal Experiments (Korea)
To suggest further 3Rs relevant links, please contact:
Last update June 10, 2024