Abstracts Linz 2010

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Franz P. Gruber
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Horst Spielmann

Pre-Congress Meetings:

1. Pre Congress Symposium on Serum-free Cell Culture
Follow-up of the Copenhagen Workshop 2009
Chairs: Gerhard Gstraunthaler, AT and Jan van der Valk, NL

2. AXLR8 ‘21st Century Toxicology’ Info Forum
funded by the EU FP6 & FP7 programme on “Alternative Testing Strategies”
Chairs: Greet Schoeters, BE and Troy Seidle, CA 

The FP7 Project AXLR8 – Accelerating the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment through internationally coordinated research and technology development
(Horst Spielmann, Freie Universität Berlin, DE

The EU FP7 “Project Sens-it-iv”: Skin and respiratory sensitization: in vitro identification and potency
(Erwin Roggen, Novozymes A/S, DK

(Carl-Frederik Mandenius, Linköping University, SE

The EU FP7 Project “PREDICT-IV” (Walter Pfaller, Innsbruck University, AT

Contribution of the US EPA to the US project on “Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century”
(Imran Shah, US EPA


3. Meeting of Austrian regulators responsible for approving animal experiments

Go3R - intelligent internet searches for alternatives to animal testing
Barbara Grune, ZEBET– BfR Berlin, DE

Serum-free media
Daniel Brunner, zet Linz, AT

Opening lecture: Walter Pfaller, AT
Lessons learned from 25 years of nephrotoxicity testing in vitro

I: Legal, ethical and policy topics regarding alternatives
Chairs: Emily McIvor, UK and Alois Haslinger, AT 

State of the art lecture:
Current status of the revision process of the Directive 609/86EEC
(Marcelle Holloway, DG Environment, EU Commission, BE) 

New EU Directive on the protection of laboratory animals: the animal welfare perspective
(Irmela Ruhdel, DE) 

A qualitative and quantitative examination of the impact of chemical regulation legislation on the field of toxicity testing
(Kristie Sullivan, Nancy Beck, Catherine Willett and Chad Sandusky, ICAPO USA) 

Human health risk assessment of pesticides – novel approaches explored by EFSA’s PPR panel
(Hans Steinkellner, Luc Mohimont and Istvan Sebestyen, EFSA, IT) 

Alternative methods as an integral part of in-market control on cosmetics in the Czech Republic
(Dagmar Jirova, Kristina Kjelova, Stanislav Janousek and Hana Bendova, CZ)

II: Metabolism and toxicokinetics
Chairs: Katrin Zeilinger, DE and Mathieu Vinken, BE 

State of the art lecture:
Human pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives in assay for chemical risk assessment
(Mia Emgard, SE) 

Human liver cell cultivation in a miniaturized 3D bioreactor system for in vitro studies on hepatic drug toxicity
(Katrin Zeilinger, Thomas Schreiter, Malin Darnell, Marc Lübberstedt, Ursula Müller-Vieira, Birgitta Dillner, Thomas Urbaniak, Daniel Knobeloch, Andreas Nüssler, Jörg C. Gerlach and Tommy B. Andersson, DE) 

An in vivo like expression pattern of CYP450 enzymes found in a 3D in vitro model of the human airway epithelium – MucilAir™
(Jean-Paul Derouette, CH)

Effect of Trichostatin A on miR-122 expression in primary hepatocyte cultures
(Jennifer Bolleyn, Joanna Frazcek, Mathieu Vinken, Daneida Lizarraga, Stan Gaj, Joost H. M. van Delft, Vera Rogiers and Tamara Vanhaecke, BE) 

Human hepatocyte cultures allow repeated application of drugs resulting in repeatable effects on hepatocellular metabolism
(Anett Ullrich, Maciej Patrzyk, Dagmar Braun, Beatrice Grossjohann and Dieter Runge, DE)

III: Skin sensitisation and eye irritation
Chairs: Natalie Aleppeé, FR and Chantra Eskes, NL 

State of the art lecture: Skin toxicity and regulations aspects
(Patric Amcoff, OECD) 

Identification of novel in vitro test systems for the determination of glucocorticoid receptor ligand induced skin atrophy
(Stefanie Schoepe, Heike Schäcke, August Bernd, Nadja Zöller and Khusru Asadullah, DE)  

Models of localized Candida infections based on in vitro reconstituted human epithelia
(Günther Weindl, DE) 

In vitro safety assessment of cosmetic products: investigation of new endpoints for eye irritation
(Marisa Meloni, IT) 

ECVAM prevalidation study on skin sensitisation alternatives: update on progress
(David Basketter, Pierre Aeby, Alexandre Angers-Loustau, Takao Ashikaga, Thomas Cole,
Anna Compagnoni, G. Frank Gerberick, Sebastian Hoffmann, Andre Kleensang,
Jean Marc Ovigne, Jon Richmond, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, Silvia Casati and Setsuya Aiba, EU) 

Assessment of chemical skin sensitizing potency by an in vitro assay based on human dendritic cells
(Jef Hooyberghs, Nathalie Lambrechts, Inge Nelissen, Hilda Witters, Rosette Van Den Heuvel and Greet Schoeters, BE) 

Prediction of skin sensitizers by combining a high-throughput keratinocyte-based reporter gene assay with peptide reactivity measurements
(Andreas Natsch, Roger Emter and Graham Ellis, CH) 

Development, refinement and combination of in vitro assays to hurdle skin sensitization complexity
(Silvia Martinozzi Teissier, FR)

Session IV: Good cell culture practice
Chairs: Gerhard Gstraunthaler, AT and Rodger Curren, US 

State of the art lecture:
STR DNA typing: Intra- and interspecies cross-contamination detection of human cell lines
(Wilhelm Dirks, DE) 

Improving in vitro methods by developing and using defined culture media
(Jan van der Valk, NL) 

Use of autologous serum improves yield and quality of NeoHepatocytes for in vitro toxicity testing
(Sabrina Ehnert, DE)

Poster session I: Topics of sessions I to IV
Chairs: Manfred Liebsch, DE; Pilar Prieto, IT; Irmela Ruhdel, DE; Paul Jennings, AT; Jan van der Valk, NL
Discussion of the posters with the authors (allocation of poster awards)

Session V: Acute and long term toxicity A
Chairs: Greet Schoeters, BE and Dagmar Jirova, CZ 

State of the art lecture:
The role of the Nrf2 pathway in nephrotoxicity
(Paul Jennings, AT & IE) 

Peroxide-induced oxidative stress and cell death in C6 astroglioma cells
(Hasso Seibert, Anne Jess, Arne Linden, Edmund Maser, Manuela Perle and Michael Gülden, DE) 

Assessment of acute, long term and chronic respiratory toxicity using a long shelf life 3D model of the human airway epithelium
(Samuel Constant, CH) 

Testing of the toxicity of volatile compounds on human lung cells using the Air/Liquid Interface (ALI) culturing and exposure technique: a prevalidation study
(Ralph Pirow, Lena Smirnova, Manfred Liebsch, Julian Tharmann, Andreas Luch, Carolin Graebsch, Mario Bauer, Gunter Linsel2, Rosa Siemers, Christine Otto, Edith Berger-Preiß, Heiko Kock, Antje Oertel, Detlef Ritter and Jan Knebel, DE)

Statistical analysis of the AcuteTox data aimed to identify an in vitro testing strategy for prediction of acute oral toxicity
(Annette Kopp-Schneider, Pilar Prieto, Agnieszka Kinsner-Ovaskainen and Sven Stanzel, ECVAM & DE, IT)

Session VI: Acute and long term toxicity B
Chairs: Claus Michael Lehr, DE and Klaus Rudolf Schröder, AT

EpiVaginal tissue model for preclinical toxicity screening of chemicals/formulations following single or repeat applications
(Seyoum Ayehunie, Chris Cannon, Karen LaRosa, Helena Kandarova, Silvia Letasiova and Mitchell Klausner, US & SK) 

In vitro gastrointestinal mucosal surfaces for studying host-pathogen interactions at the mucosal interphase
(Sara Lindén, SE)

Transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic alterations in RPTEC/TERT1 cells in response to Cyclosporine A
(Anja Wilmes, Lydia Aschauer, Alice Limonciel, Silke Ruzek, Andreas Handler, Christian Huber, Olga Schmal, Karin Herrgen, Christof Burek, Arno Lukas, Donatella Carpi, Claude Guillou, Philip Hewitt, Walter Pfaller and Paul Jennings, AT) 

In vitro cell transformation assays – their use in safety and risk assessment
(Albrecht Poth, DE)

Special session on antibody production
(sponsored by the Dr Hadwen Trust, UK)
Chair: Allison Gray, ESTIV, UK 

Recombinant antibodies. Past, present and future
(Angray Kang, UK) 

Exploitation of potential aptamer technology to replace animal antibody against human tumour biomarkers
(Dong Barraclough, Bill Fraser and Roger Barraclough, UK) 

Generation of antibodies in vitro: no living cells required
(Mingyue He, UK) 

Session VII: Nanotoxicology
(sponsored by Animalfree Research, CH)
Chairs: Ursula G. Sauer, DE and Robert Landsiedel, DE 

State of the art lecture:
The use of alternative methods for toxicity testing of nanomaterials
(Robert Landsiedel, DE) 

The role of alternative test methods in nanotoxicology
(Mario Götz, Manfred Liebsch and Andreas Luch, DE) 

Air-liquid exposure of gold nanoparticles to study effects, uptake and intracellular distribution in a human 3D epithelial airway model
(Christina Brandenberger, Anke-Gabriele Lenz, Christian Mühlfeld, Otmar Schmid, Peter Gehr and Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, CH & DE)

In vitro model of inflammatory bowel disease for drug formulation testing and screening
(Fransisca Leonard, Eva-Maria Collnot and Claus-Michael Lehr, DE) 

High-to-medium-throughput evaluation of the ecotoxicity and toxicological profiling of synthetic nanoparticles
(Anne Kahru, Angela Ivask, Kaja Kasemets, Irina Blinova, Monika Mortimer, Olesja Bondarenko, Margit Heinlaan and Villem Aruoja, EE) 

Round Table: Towards non-animal testing strategies in nano-toxicology – what needs to be done and who will do it?
Chair and Introductory note: Ursula G. Sauer, DE
Participants: Robert Landsiedel, DE; Mario Götz, DE; Christina Brandenberger, CH; Claus-Michael Lehr, DE; Anne Kahru, EE; Cyrille Krul, NL; Eleonore Fröhlich, AT

Session VIII: Reproductive toxicology and stem cells
Chairs: Horst Spielmann, DE and Sonia Jeram, SI 

State of the art lecture:
The way forward in reproductive/developmental toxicity testing
(Horst Spielmann, DE) 

Mouse embryonic stem cells in developmental neurotoxicity testing: aiming at higher throughput and specificity
(Katrin Hayess, Birgitta Slawik, Ralph Pirow, Andreas Luch and Andrea Seiler, DE)

The coupling of a metabolic activation system (primary hepatocytes) to the murine embryonic stem cell test expans its use in reproductive toxicity testing
(Pablo Steinberg, Michael Hettwer, Marcos Reis-Fernandes, Marcus Iken, Michael Ott and Heinz Nau, DE) 

Predicting developmental toxicity with human embryonic stem cells and metabolomics
(April M. Weir, Paul R. West, Alan M. Smith, Elizabeth L. R. Donley and Gabriela G. Cezar, USA) 

Optimised 1D and 3D isolation and expansion of multipotent human adipose-derived stem cells
(Sarah Snykers, Feras Al Battah, Joery De Kock, Tamara Vanhaecke and Vera Rogiers, BE)

Session IX: New developments and novel methods
Chairs: Erwin Roggen, DK and Thomas Hartung, US 

State of the art lecture:
Lessons learned from alternative methods and their validation for a new toxicology in the 21st century
(Thomas Hartung, DE & USA) 

An in vitro ocular testing strategy for US EPA registration of anti-microbial cleaning products (Rodger Curren, US) 

Establishment of a 3D intestinal tissue equivalent in vitro
(Jacqueline Pusch, Stella Göhler and Heike Walles, DE

Evaluation of in vitro models for investigation of endocrine disruptive effects on insulin metabolism using omics
(Tine Hectors, Caroline Vanparys, Geert Martens, Ronny Blust and Wim De Coen, BE) 

Multiplexing various in vitro toxicity assays for high throughput screening
(Terry Riss, Richard Moravec, Nancy Murphy, James Cali and Andres Niles, AT) 

The hen̓s egg micronucleustest (HET-MN): successful intra- and interlaboratory reproducibility study
(Kerstin Reisinger, Daniela Greywe, Juergen Kreutz, Julia Scheel, Norbert Banduhn, Klaus Schroeder and Thorsten Wolf, DE) 

Toxicity profiling of nephrotoxins in the human proximal tubular RPTEC-TERT1 cell line: influence of hypoxia
(Daniel Crean, Lydia Aschauer, Paul Jennings and Martin Leonard, AT) 

Application of human dopaminergic neurons for toxicity testing
(Stefan Schildknecht, Nina Stiegler, Diana Scholz, Dominik Pöltl and Marcel Leist, DE)

Authors' Register

Article Details

How to Cite
Gruber, F. P. (2010) “Abstracts Linz 2010”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 27(Supp. 2), pp. 1–165. Available at: https://altex.org/index.php/altex/article/view/2215 (Accessed: 9 September 2024).