Off to a good start? Review of the predictivity of reactivity methods modelling the molecular initiating event of skin sensitization
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The assessment of skin sensitizing properties of chemicals has moved away from animal methods to new approach methodologies (NAM), guided by qualitative mechanistic understanding operationalized in an adverse outcome pathway (AOP). As with any AOP, the molecular initiating event (MIE) of covalent binding of a chemical to skin proteins is particularly important. This MIE has been modelled by several test methods by measuring the reaction of a test chemical with model peptides in chemico. To better understand the similarities and differences, a data repository with publicly available data for the direct peptide reactivity assay (DPRA), amino acid derivative reactivity assay (ADRA) and kinetic DPRA (kDPRA), as well as the peroxidase peptide reactivity assay (PPRA) was assembled. The repository comprises 260 chemicals with animal and human reference data, data on four relevant physicochemical properties, and between 161 to 242 test chemical results per test method. First, an overview of the experimental conditions of the four test methods was compiled allowing to readily compare them. Second, data analyses demonstrated that the test methods’ predictivity was consistently reduced for poorly watersoluble chemicals and that the DPRA and ADRA can be used interchangeably. It also revealed new categorization thresholds for the DPRA and ADRA that are potentially relevant for strategic uses. In summary, a detailed assessment of reactivity test methods is provided, highlighting their potential and limitations. The results presented are intended to stimulate scientific discussion around test methods modelling the MIE of the skin sensitization AOP.
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